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Winter is Coming … and Winter Penis?

The winter season brings snow, slush, wind and … smaller penises? Yes, in a recent article published by the Daily Mail, Dr. Donald Grant, a general practitioner in the UK shares some chilly facts about how the winter weather can bring icy results for your penis. 

Dr. Grant gives us all a cautionary tale, maybe even a horror story, the story of The Tell Tale Winter Penis as he describes the frosty condition known as “winter penis”. According to the doctor, a  “winter penis,” a frigid condition that occurs when the sun starts to set earlier, the trees are barren and the snow dusts the ground resulting in a man's hindered ability to perform sexually. The facts behind the theory is as the temperatures fall, the blood flow to the male area is lessened as it is more difficult for the body to maintain heat. 

The ice cracking numbers behind the winter penis theory is that it can impact men of all ages and can result in a penis shrinkage up to 50 percent. Chilling! 

Unfortunately for those 30 million American men already living with ED winter penis can make it even more difficult to manage. 

While a nice warm blanket may be helpful for some to fight winter penis for others, there is Chicago Male Enhancement where you can schedule a visit for ED or “winter penis” treatments and safe remedies.


For more about treating erectile dysfunction with Chicago Male Enhancement, click here.

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